HOW TO USE WIN7 WITHOUT ACTIVATION Don’t have money to buy orginalwindows 7 with acivation key? Here is simplewindows 7 trick that increases the trial preriod from 30 days to 120 days. Before you try this trick you should check out my other blog Wind…
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Aero is a very cool and beautiful user interface of Windows 7. To run Aero, you need a PC with specs like 1 GHz CPU, 1 GB system memory and 128MB of video RAM. If your system is low on specs, you won’t be able to use Aero. Here is a wo…
hi everyone
i was fealing very bore so
i just now made a very annoying virus. it can irritate any one
okay the code i m giving is of dos, sosave it with an extension of .bat copy dis codeand sa…
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